Category: News

City of Tucker hires firm for Trail Plan Update

On December 9, 2024, the City Council awarded a contract to Pond and Company for $279,000.00 to complete an update to the City’s Transportation and Trail Master Plans. The City of Tucker adopted the Transportation Strategic Transportation Master Plan in 2018 and the Tucker PATH: Trail Master Plan and Implementation Strategy in 2019. The scope […]

Public Meeting on Tucker Northlake Trail

On Tuesday August 13, 2024, the City of Tucker will hold a public information open house on the Tucker Northlake Trail. The event will be from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at City Hall. Originally presented in the Tucker-Northlake CID Master Plan in 2015, and updated in the Tucker PATH Trail Master Plan in 2019, […]

Former Health Department Building Removed to make way for Fire Station and Trail

This morning DeKalb County and the City of Tucker took an important step towards two goals. The County razed the former health department building on Cowan Road making way for the Dekalb County Fire Rescue Department’s new Station 5 and a trail head for the city trail plan. Funds collected through the Special Purpose Local […]

Design Contract Approved for Kelley Cofer Loop

Last night the City Council approved a contract with KAIZEN Collaborative for the design of Segment 2A, a half mile trail loop at Kelley Cofer Park. The design, including surveying and engineering, for the Kelley Cofer Loop is being funded by SPLOST. The same Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax used to resurface roads in Tucker.

“South Fork Peachtree Creek Greenway” Meeting a Success

On March 30, 2023, the City of Tucker held a public information meeting on the next section of trail extending from Downtown Tucker and tentatively being called the “South Fork Peachtree Creek Greenway.” The meeting was led by Ken Hildebrandt with the City of Tucker and Tanner Copeland, with KAIZEN Collaborative. Attendees included local trail […]

Stakeholder Meeting for Trail along South Fork Peachtree Creek

The City of Tucker is moving forward on the next step in expanding the trail network southward. This next phase will run from Lawrenceville Highway to Peters Park, following the South Fork Peachtree Creek, with connections to the future DeKalb Fire Station, Tucker Middle School, and the Tucker Brewing Company. If you are a business, […]

An Early View of the Tucker Northlake Trail Route

Progress on trails in Tucker is moving forward in all directions. Last week the team from Heath & Lineback Engineers, Inc. walked a section of the proposed trail route between Downtown Tucker and Northlake. The Tucker PATH Trail Master Plan and Implementation Strategy provides a high level overview of the potential route between Fellowship Rd […]

The Alleys in Downtown Tucker are Officially Open!

On Monday February 27, 2023 segment 1a of the trail through the alleys in Downtown Tucker officially opened for public use. The event was kicked off by a speech from Mayor Frank Auman followed by a ribbon cutting. In addition to elected officials and city staff, representatives from the Friends of Tucker Path, Tucker-Northlake CID, […]

Gwinnett County Seeking Public input on Piedmont Pathway

Our neighbors in Gwinnett County are seeking public feedback on the Piedmont Pathway. The scoping study will determine the exact alignment of the 28-mile trail along I-85 within a half mile buffer of the proposed corridor. The Piedmont Pathway is intended to be one of the Signature Trails in the Gwinnett County Trails Master Plan […]

Granite Retaining Walls line Trail on Hugh Howell Road

Building trails includes more than pouring concrete. Especially when doing so through an existing community. Just like sections of the trail in Downtown Tucker, the trail along Hugh Howell Road required digging into the sloping hillside to accommodate the path. Rather than leaving a bare concrete wall, the City of Tucker added a granite façade. […]