Signs of Progress as Project Nears Completion

Newly installed “No Motor Vehicles” sign in the alley on B block.

Cold weather has not slowed progress on the trail through the alleys in Downtown Tucker. Attention to detail continues to lead the way with the installation of signs, landscaping, and brickwork.

Tea Olives and Yaupon hollies are being installed as part of the landscaping adjacent to the trail north of First Avenue. Directional signs and safety messages, each with black backing, have been installed on decorative posts at entrances into the alleys. The brickwork in the raised pedestrian crossing at Lynburn Drive has been laid in an attractive herringbone pattern using the same brick as found on Main Street.

A few safety reminders near Main Street.

These additions funded by the City of Tucker contribute to the overall sense of place and put the alleys on an equal footing with Main Street.

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